Review: Emjoi’s Micro Pedi is the coolest beauty tool I’ve used in ages. Chances are you’re going to want one

I’d never heard of Emjoi’s Micro-Pedi before but, as it turns out, it’s a super popular beauty tool that’s sold millions of units worldwide and won several awards. Now, having given it a bash, I can totally understand why.

Emjoi's Micro Pedi, R399 from
Please forgive the flash drive taped to the front. I was worried that ripping it off would tear the packaging.

To bring you up to speed, the Micro-Pedi’s a battery-operated handheld device that holds a little ‘sandpaper’-covered cylinder that spins at 30 revolutions per second in a bid to buff your feet to perfection. Essentially, it does what a foot file-wielding pedicurist can do but at the rate of knots and without getting tennis elbow, requiring a tip and blabbing on about her cute and funny and amazing her ten thousand cats are. (‘Do you want to see my Pinterest board about them? OMG, Sparkle is suuuch a diva…’)

But ja, let’s get back to the device. Using it is beyond simple – you literally just switch it on and then run it over any dry, rough or hardened skin on your feet. It’s as easy as that.

The Micro Pedi comes with a cleaning brush and protective roller cover.
The Micro Pedi comes with a cleaning brush and protective clip-off head cover.

The first time I touched it to my heel, I totally winced, worried it might hurt but – surprise, surprise – it didn’t even tickle. Phew! But then I just felt disappointed. There was no way this big ole softie was going to tackle a nasty ass callous. Not that I had any. My feet are in pretty good nick – but I do have a ridge of thicker skin running on along the back of my heel and just under the ‘ball’ of my big toe… but then I suddenly noticed something – the skin I’d just run the machine across was now covered in a layer of microfine white ‘dust’; almost like translucent setting powder. Could that be…? Oh my God, it was – my skin! Skin that had literally just been eviscerated in the blink of an eye and without a drop of discomfort. Jinnnnne!

With that, I blew off the dust and set about using the Micro Pedi on the hard bit of skin just under my big toe and BOOM – within five seconds it was gone. Gone! I almost wish I’d taken before and after piccies to show you but I’m not comfy with slapping my feet up on the internet. However, a quick Google reveals lots of hideous to look at yet fascinating ‘real person’ before and afters as well as a slew of excellent reviews. Personally, I’m super duper impressed and, should my own device break tomorrow, I’d happily buy a new one that same day with zero hesitation.

Want one too? They’re going for R399 a pop from, a local site offering delivery nationwide. You’ll find they sell replacement rollers too at R199 for two-pack.

Love, love


3 thoughts on “Review: Emjoi’s Micro Pedi is the coolest beauty tool I’ve used in ages. Chances are you’re going to want one

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